GANG OF DUCKS RECORDS                   Berlin
*********************                   GERMANY


Start   : 2012
Distr.  : GE -
          UK - Bleep/Norman/Boomkat/
Style   : techno / electronic /

GODREC  0000    TRAAG                   WHITE WALL EP                   7".DL   08.2013

        A.      White Wall / Bantam
        B.      White Wall (Vaghe Stelle Rework) / (G.O.D. Rework)
GODREC  0001    SHAPE WORSHIP           THROUGHWAYS EP                  7".DL   10.2013

        A       Throughways                                     5:25
        B       Basf Spiral                                     5:34
                (Note : 7" , hand-numb. white label ed. of 250)
GODREC  0002    MY PANDA SHALL FLY      TAPE TEKKNO                     LP+DLc  10.2013

---+Beat / Fast=G / Dark No / O_ / Trance ### / P1 Techno / Slow T / @ Tune

(Note : LP , 300 copies , hand-made xilographic printed cover and poly jacket)
GODREC  0003    VAGHE STELLE            H.O.P.E..E.P.                   12".DL  12.2013

        A1      4th Hope
        A2      8th Hope
        A3      10th Hope
        A4      11th Hope
        B1      4th Hope (Best Available Technology Remix)
        B2      8th Hope (G.O.D. Remix)
                (Note : 12" , 300 copies)
GODREC  0004    HAF HAF                 NOTCH                           CS      01.2014
GODREC  0004    HAF HAF                 NOTCH                           8MP3    01.2014

        1       Ode To U19                                      3:00
        2       Hybrid                                          3:19
        3       Gate Keeper                                     3:48
        4       Fractal                                         5:03
        5       Qwetzal                                         5:28
        6       Flow Node B                                     3:49
        7       Notch                                           3:23
        8       Flow Node A                                     3:47

(Note : CS , hand-numbered 700 X 500 mm with rough edges on thick uncoated cartridge
        paper. Limited edition of 60)
GODREC  0005    SUDDENT INFANT          WHAT AM I DOING HERE            7".DL   05.2014

        1       What Am I Doing Here                            3:31
        2       TCS (Taipei Version)                            2:46
        3       TCS (Taipei Version) (Haf Haf Remix)            4:16
        4       What Am I Doing Here (G.O.D. Remix)             5:34

        1       Power and Silence                               3:03
        2       No Lights                                       2:48
        3       Virtual Feelings                                4:41
        4       Random Souls Fluidity                           3:45
        5       Power & Silence (Aisha Devi Mindworker Rework)  4:28
        6       Virtual Feelings (G.O.D. Rework)                6:15
                (Note : limited to 250/12" handnumbered black label
                /packed in vacuum bagswith a poster)
GODREC  007     ONE CIRCLE              TRANSPARENCY                    12"+DL  07.2014

        1       Transparency                                    3:52
        2       Render                                          3:29
        3       Alpha Composing                                 1:18
        4       Alien Rave                                      5:46
        5       Live in Your World Play in Ours                 5:08
                (Note : lim. to 250, handnumbered black label, packed
                in vacuum bags with a poster)
GODREC  008     TRAAG                   UPN 50                          12"+MP3 10.2014
GODREC  008     TRAAG                   UPN 50                          CS+MP3  10.2014

        1       Tropical Fruit                                  4:08
        2       Successfull Soldier                             2:42
        3       Rubber Doll                                     4:24
        4       Win the Lotto                                   3:59
        5       Grey Cologne                                    1:45
        6       Wrench                                          2:26
        7       Mr. Alan                                        4:55
        8       Stray Dog                                       5:20
                (Note : 12" , 250 hand-numb. copies/CS 100 copies)
GODREC  0009    S OLBRICHT              EMTEE                           CS+DL   11.2014

        1       Wowno                                           3:52
        2       Tahojeff featuring Danada Cry                   6:13
        3       Sculacid (Duane Barry Mix)                      6:13
        4       Emtee                                           4:09
        5       Tape13                                          3:36
        6       Rovdik                                          3:31
        7       Very Deep                                       2:04
GODREC  0010    DYD                     GOD                             12"     12.2014

        1       Archistar                                       04:27
        2       #MAGIC                                          03:16
        3       Y Factor                                        03:10
        4       Archistar (Vocal Edit Tool)                     04:17
                (Note : 12" , hand-numb. ed. of 300 housed in printed
                PVC sleeve)
GODREC 0011     SALBA                   SPIRITS                         12"     01.2015

        1       Di Lei                                          8:09
        2       Spirits                                         7:30
        3       J-III                                           6:20
        4       Control Room                                    5:54
        5       Spirits (G.O.D. Rework)                         4:23
        6       Spirits (Ital Rework)                           6:30
                (Note : 12" , 300 hand-numb. copies)
GODREC  0012    XIII                    NO                              12"     04.2015

        1       Laguna                                          4:30
        2       Call Trigger Gloom                              5:04
        3       Batten Down the Hatches                         4:27
        4       Eurovision                                      3:59
        5       WWWW                                            5:39
        6       Empires featuring Sabla                         4:04
        7       Oracl1 featuring Traag,Sam Hooker               5:03
        8       Santo featuring Vaghe Stelle                    5:28
        9       Frgle                                           1:10
                (Note : 12" , 300 copies on black vinyl)
GODREC  013     ITAL                    TIXIC WORK ENVIRONMENT          12"+DL  06.2015

        A1      Syndrome
        A2      Toxic Work Environment
        B1      Canker Sore
        B2      The Citadel
        B3      The Citadel (G.O.D. Rework)
                (Note : 12" , 300 numb. copies)
GODREC  014     DAVE SAVED              ENERGYDREAM                     12"+MP3 05.2016

        1       Time of No Future                               3:23
        2       Energydream                                     3:38
        3       Let It Evolve                                   3:00
        4       Clubdrome                                       3:10
        5       Ultimo (Fracturing Believe)                     2:44
        6       After/Life (A New Radiant World)                1:52
GODREC  015     ODDGARD                 PROPAGANDA PROPAGANDA           7"      07.2016

        1.      Non ho niente da nascondere                     03:34
        2.      Non sono un criminale                           03:12
                (Note : 7" , 150 copies housed in printed sleeve)
GODREC  016     V / A                   PARADISIA                       11DL    08.2016

        1       Datashock               Tinder Maxi King        2:54
        2       Haf Haf : The Features Of A Disgrace            3:02
        3       Ital                    Call Me                 6:16
        4       XIII                    Eocity                  4:30
        5       My Panda Shall Fly      Smiley                  3:47
        6       Traag                   Air Effects             4:06
        7       Oddgrad                 Marcella                4:44
        8       S Olbricht              Female Motivation VII   4:20
        9       Sabla                   Vibrations              6:06
        10      Shape Worship           Line3                   7:00
        11      Quicksails              Thrill                  4:04
GODREC  017     DATASHOCK               HD TRAILER                      LP+DLc  12.2016

        1.      Abonnieren Sie Die Zukunft                      12:18
        2.      Vapen vs Chemtrails                             07:02
        3.      Cloudkraut Kaut Krautcloud                      12:58
        4.      Silicon Valley Unplugged                        07:30
GODREC  018     SHIT & SHINE            HAMBURGER                       12"     07.2017

        A1      Jreemteen                                       3:19
        A2      Angelforce00                                    3:00
        A3      Deva-State Ninteen 3000                         3:06
        A4      Hamburger                                       4:23
        B1      Test One Nil                                    2:47
        B2      Uk Soil                                         3:32
        B3      4no                                             4:41
        B4      Bitte                                           3:31
                (Note : ed. of 300 copies in screen-printed chrome bag)
GODREC  019     XIII                    EOCITY                          12"+MP3 06.2018

        1       Part_N1a_Analysis                               2:50
        2       aEowar                                          3:49
        3       Sez_1N3v13                                      3:52
        4       Il Numero                                       0:32
        5       The Boy                                         2:13
        6       Curve D'argentoa                                5:01
        7       La Guerra                                       3:48

(Note : 12" , 300 copies packed in hand-burnt sleeves. Silkscreen print on the back
GODREC  021     V / A                   PARADISIA V                     19WAV   12.2018
GODREC  021     V / A                   PARADISIA V                     19FLAC  12.2018
GODREC  021     V / A                   PARADISIA V                     19MP3   12.2018

        1       Anastasia               Breathing Techniques    2:12
        2       Aniello Maffetone       Vco 2                   1:28
        3       Babau Fam               Horse Latitudes         5:47
        4       Best Available Technology : Fluorescent Sap     7:26
        5       Dave Saved : Techniques Against Optimism        6:18
        6       Evol                    Prison Bat 2            10:39
        7       Haf Haf                 New Era                 4:00
        8       Heith                   Ghamess                 3:29
        9       Merchants, Lyy Sünnoetty Paekkülytti : Scultura 6:08
        10      N.M.O. : Nonobstant Mais Oblique                3:28
        11      Oddgrad                 Emisfero Destro         1:41
        12      Omar Chapati            Betob101 (Supercell)    4:29
        13      OOBE                    S T A L K E R # 5       2:44
        14      Regno Maggiore          Casta                   6:23
        15      Sabla                   V2M_P                   8:32
        16      Sense Fracture          Erasure Drive           4:27
        17      Tomat : 45°03'36.1"N 7°40'49.0"E                7:12
        18      Vaghe Stelle            Nato Santo              4:56
        19      XIII : Inverso (EOextract00004V2)               3:03
GODREC  022     N.M.O.                  NUOVA MUSICA OSTINATA           12"     11.2019

DL      1       La musica inizia quando la ascolti o quando
                la fai?                                        8:32
        2       Rigatone                                       4:00
        3       Non mi el? piaciuto                            3:22
GODREC  023     CAMARADES BRETON        CAMARADES BRETON                CS      05.2020

        A1      Ideal Standard                                  1:32
        A2      YPJ                                             1:01
        A3      Al-Atlas al-Kabir                               2:23
        A4      Anisette                                        0:34
        A5      Transatlantic                                   1:35
        A6      Tempo                                           0:52
        A7      Hora Lunga                                      0:45
        A8      Yamaha Mate 50cc                                1:14
        A9      Hot Line                                        2:15
        A10     Permanent attraction                            0:27
        A11     Asger Jorn                                      1:53
        A12     Brexit                                          1:22
        A13     Advanced Industrial Society                     1:43
        A14     Obrero en huelga, asesinado                     1:43
        A15     Saigon                                          1:04
        A16     Two-One                                         3:49
        A17     Nocturama                                       2:20
        A18     Gitanes                                         1:23
        A19     Kanaky                                          2:15
        A20     Tupamaros                                       1:20
        A21     Anagramma                                       1:16
        B1      No Tav                                          2:18
        B2      Totem und Tabu                                  2:05
        B3      Revolving doors                                 3:01
        B4      Piano Bar                                       1:22
        B5      Hans Arp                                        1:50
        B6      Kamillo Kromo                                   2:36
        B7      Picabia                                         1:41
        B8      Stella                                          2:30
        B9      Lampisteria                                     1:43
        B10     Jameos del Agua                                 1:16
        B11     Kodakques                                       1:04
        B12     Roaming data                                    2:24
        B13     Pas de deux                                     1:07
        B14     Cangaçeiros                                     3:47
        B15     Hol' a medi                                     1:52
        B16     Macao                                           2:33
        B17     Fresh Fruit                                     2:15
        B18     Gauloises                                       3:09

Italian producer and DJ Camarades Breton AKA Stefano Murgia has released his self
titled album on cassette so it can be listened to continuously. It was recorded at
home using basic equipment. It is a patchwork of ambient techno, hardcore, psychedelic
electronic sounds and grime that, at times, is reminiscent of Seekersinternational
and Filter Dread.

        1.      De'la Cocce                                     04:29
        2.      Ricordo                                         03:48
        3.      Bread Dance                                     04:02
        4.      Be'ya Sa'di                                     03:38
        5.      Mem                                             03:52

Anna Homler is an avant-garde artist and performer from Los Angeles. Alessio Capovilla
is an Italian composer with a penchant for sound modelling who has released records
under the name XIII. He is also the co-founder of the Turin-based label Gang of Ducks.
Vasi Comunicanti is a collaboration between the two which sees them conjuring up
dreamlike sounds.
GODREC  026     HAF HAF                 PATTERN IN CHAOS                LP      12.2020
GODREC  026     HAF HAF                 PATTERN IN CHAOS                DL      12.2020

        1.      A Tower to Tanathos                             04:10
        2.      A Van Down the River                            03:12
        3.      Bonola                                          04:46
        4.      Laser Ottis                                     05:24
        5.      Ricchezza Mentale                               05:25
        6.      U Are Not Cool                                  03:44
        7.      Venom                                           04:07
        8.      Vitraya Ramunong                                06:52



GODREC  030     REGNO MAGGIORE          ESASUMMA                        LP      01.2022
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
GODREC  030     REGNO MAGGIORE          ESASUMMA                        DL      01.2022

        1.      Il Varco                                        01:24
        2.      Re Maggiore                                     03:18
        3.      Dal Cielo                                       04:14
        4.      Sam Saa                                         05:21
        5.      Magipellice                                     03:09
        6.      Bellissimo                                      01:49
        7.      Aie Simu Aie                                    04:28
        8.      I Tamburi Di Leu                                02:27
        9.      Angeli Di Pecora                                01:20
        10.     La Via                                          02:44
        11.     La Storia Di Esasumma                           03:07
        12.     Organo Tigre                                    02:36
        13.     La Tua Mano                                     03:52









GODCUT  001     TRAAG                   MONEY ORIENTATED                LP      10.2017
GODCUT  001     TRAAG                   MONEY ORIENTATED                DL      10.2017

        1.      Suburban 53                                     07:41
        2.      Para Caminar                                    02:53
        3.      South Towne                                     03:47
        4.      Black Horse                                     06:07
        5.      Fountain Park                                   05:10

Detroit duo Traag consist of Travis Galloway (aka Siobhan) and Chris Durham, a couple
of the foremost practitioners at the intersection of techno and noise. They’ve
previously done releases for the likes of Opal Tapes and Goaty Tapes, as well as
a couple of 12”s for Gang of Ducks. This EP inaugurates the latter label’s new ultra
-limited handmade clear vinyl series, G.O.D. CUTS. Impatient beats are matched with
woozy synths, sinister muttering and even a stray dubbed-up horse.
Hand-stamped clear vinyl LP housed in paperboard sleeve with silk-screen print.
GODCUTS 002     QUICKSAILS              THE BRIGHT                      12"     02.2018

        A1      Flinch
        A2      Aware
        A3      Bright
        A4      The Purge
        B1      My Moon
        B3      The Bright (Khaki Blazer Remix)
        B4      Purge (Shit & Shine Remix)

(Note : 12" , limited edition, hand cut transparent vinyl 12" 
        B2      My Moon (Brett Naucke Remix)with screen printed art
        on Gang of Ducks. Incl. Shit & Shine, Brett Naucke and Khaki Blazer remixes)
GODCUTS 003     REGNO MAGGIORE          ASTROVELIERO                    12"     03.2019

        1       Incontro Celeste
        2       Lamnomnia
        3       Astroveliero Vol. 2 
        4       La Danza Di Sabasaa
        5       Selva Oscura
        6       Oracolo

Limited edition, transparent vinyl 12" EP with a centre white silk screen design and
hand stamped catalogue number. Cover designed by Regno Maggiore in white silk-screen
print on die-cut black paperboard.